Deadlift 60 x5 100 x3 133.5 x5 163.5 x5 174 x9
Shrug 115 x10 x10 x10
Hyper x13 x13 x13
Leg Press 200 x15
Gripper x12 x12
Leg Raise x7 x5
Added 10k onto my Deadlift max this month I feel it was my conditioning that left me at 9 reps x 174 kilos not my strength my PR for a set of 10 was around 184 kilos (will have to check my log book to verify as this was just over a year ago)
I may add another 10 kilos to my working max next cycle so reps are around 7-8 for 85 % 5-6 for 90% 3-4 for 95% I will see.